
Welcome to Wiki Pakistan!

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Pakistan Crisis Wiki
an effort to help with crisis management
and relief in Pakistan as part of the
Pakistan Crisis Commons

Internet Issues

Business and Community Issues

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File:Screenshot 432.png

Fuck Imran Khan

Imran Khan raised Taxes higher then Vitas's 7th element but everything is cool cuz he is handsome PM.


Pakistan Telecommunication Company Ltd., commonly known as PTCL (Urdu: مشارکتِ پاکستان برائے بعیدالمواصلات (المحدود)) pronounced as ("Poo-tea-see-L", "Pottycl") is a dog shit company which provides the worst internet service that you have see. It has Hydrophobia, or fear of water, meaning whenever it senses a slight increase of hydration in the atmosphere it goes haywire and shuts down. Most commonly rain causes this type of hydration. Some experts suspect that PTCL's modems hve a built in hidden hydration sensor but that news is unconfirmed.

"I will sacrifice my own life for Pakistan"

“I will do my best to ensure the spread of education and health for everyone"

"I will Open X-Box Educational institutions as soon as possible ANDDD I am Proud TO BE PAKISTANIIII!!"


This wiki should be written in Pakistani English.

The basic idea is to create a national project. A "Pakistan Information Database" to which everybody can learn about what this wiki covers.

the Pakistani population is 98 percent Muslims

Best Real Estate Place in Pakistan Gulberg Greens

Issues Society Business & Industry Government Information Popular People Of Pakistan
  • Sportsmen 
  • Singers
  • Actors
  • Islamic Scholars    
  • Nasheed Reciters
  • Politicians
  • Buisness Men


NOTE: If there's an entry or a category you think should be here, please feel free to create it. Or you can list it at Pakistan:Requested. (Just click Edit at the top of that page.) Remember to include your ideas about the information, structure, etc. for the page(s) to be created.

And if there's a requested page that you can contribute to, please do so. Just click on its name and edit the page that comes up. And while you're here, join the community and help decide what this database should include.

800px-Pakistan map by ASP

the map of Pakistan.

What this Wiki is not

  • This is not a place to reproduce material already part of the Wikipedia.
  • This is not a replacement for other websites that focus on this or that aspect of Pakistani society, life and diaspora.
  • This is not a place to place commercial advertisements, notices or press releases. (Log in to hide the ads that are used to cover hosting costs by Wikia Inc.)
  • This is not a news site. But it has a list of place you can go for that.
  • This is not a portal. Well, it is. Sort of. But it's not a Google or a Yahoo.

Media/Information/Help Contact

For information, to get help, etc. you can email the Founder/main volunteer admin for this Wiki by clicking here.
